Displaying Text in Canvas
To display text in the Canvas API we need the fillText() or strokeText() methods.
fillText() fills a string of characters (according to the fillStyle property) at the specified coordinates.
These are the arguments needed for the fillText() method:
- fillText(text, x , y, maxWidth)
- text: the text to be displayed.
- x: the x-axis coordinate of the point at which to begin drawing the text.
- y: the y-axis coordinate of the baseline on which to begin drawing the text.
- maxWidth: this is an optional argument used to specify the maximum number of pixels wide the text may be displayed.
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas")
const context = canvas.getContext("2d")
context.font = "italic 30px serif"
context.textBaseline = "top"
context.fillText("Hello!", 0, 41)
context.textBaseline = "alphabetic"
context.textAlign = "right"
context.direction = "rtl"
context.fillText("Hello!", 90, 40, 35)
const text = context.measureText("Hello")
console.log(text.width) // 74.01667022705078
We can control how the text is displayed with several properties, such as:
- font: a string like the CSS font shorthand property. Default value is 10px sans-serif.
- textAlign: the alignment of the text. Its values are:
- left
- right
- center
- start (default value)
- end
- textBaseline: the position of the baseline. Passible values are:
- top
- middle
- alphabetic (default value)
- bottom
- direction: possible values:
- ltr: left-to-right
- rtl: right-to-left
- inherit (default value)
- fontKerning: possible values:
- auto (default value)
- normal
- none
We can get information about the measurements of the text thanks to the TextMetrics object. To get it we must call the measureText() method from the context. These are its read-only properties:
- width: the width of the text.
- actualBoundingBoxLeft: distance to the baseline from the alignment point given by the textAlign property to the left side of the bounding rectangle.
- actualBoundingBoxRight: distance to the baseline from the alignment point given by the textAlign property to the right side of the bounding rectangle.
- fontBoundingBoxAscent: distance from the horizontal line indicated by the textBaseline to the top of the highest bounding rectangle.
- fontBoundingBoxDescent: distance from the horizontal line indicated by the textBaseline attribute to the bottom of the bounding rectangle.
- actualBoundingBoxAscent: distance from the horizontal line indicated by the textBaseline to the top of the bounding rectangle.
- actualBoundingBoxDescent: distance from the horizontal line indicated by the textBaseline to the bottom of the bounding rectangle.
- strokeText() method implements the same arguments. Try to display (outline) some text using this method.